In this paper has been designed based automatic floor cleaning robot microcontroller ATMega 16 A. On the hardware part, the mechanical system is made of acrylic material with dimensions of 65 x 38 cm and 35 cm high. Electronic system consists of a series of minimum system microcontroller ATMega 16 A, sensor circuit compass HMC 5883L to know the position of the robot is at the positive pole or negative, sensor circuit HC-SR04 to detect whether or not there obstacle in front of the robot, driver circuit TIP Mosfet for motorcycles DC with the ability to receive current up to 16 A, and a series of relay as motor driver to drive the broom, vacuum cleaner, mop, fan, water pump. Users will enable the robot by turning on the switch, then the robot will be in standby condition. After that the user will determine the position of the robot, next to the right corner or the left corner. Furthermore, users will choose the push button corresponding to the condition of the placement of the robots. The system will run with the process of sweeping, vacuuming, pengepelan, and drying. Furthermore, the robot will detect the presence or absence of obstruction in front of the robot, and will read the position of the robot in a state of positive or negative pole region, after the robot will spin direction. After cleaning the area with the robot around the room automatically, then the user will deactivate the robot. Of the overall results of the testing process is running robot, sweeping, vacuuming dust, dripping water, moping, and drying result the system can work quite well with the percentage of 67.78%.
Sensor Compass HMC 5883L; Sensor HC-SR04; Microcontroller; Water Pump; Vacuum
Full Text:
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. http://eprints.undip.ac.id/41644/3/BAB_2.pdf, diunduh pada tanggal 21 Agustus 2015, 13:31
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