Anggraeni Dyah Sulistiowati


Abstract– uneven development between urban and rural areas cause significant differences in socio-economic life of society. This inequality gives the impression of the city as a gold mine for those who want to work hard. Droves of local residents speculate on the town with the hope of a more promising life.
Urbanization regularly every year, making the city's population to be crowded. The level of competition is tight economy, causing social groups are more varied. So for those who are less fortunate, sometimes had to take shelter in cheek by jowl in a very limited area. And the view is like a fungus that adorn the big cities in Indonesia.
Want to respond to this problem, the government created a solution by providing a vertical housing facilities on limited land prices are still reasonable, given the limitations of its purchasing power. Their funding limitations residential facilities are designed as efficiently as possible.
Efficient means as necessary and not excessive. But that happened in some flats in Indonesia, efficient interpreted as meaning visual symbol without real function. Thus the flats into a facility that is not habitable, the safety and comfort of residents into the expensive price they can not afford to pay.
Flats Sarijadi in Bandung is one of the urban flats that implement the design of "minimalist". With a shortage of funds, residential facilities created with seminimalis possible, in the sense unfit for habitation because it does not correspond to the architectural standards that have been determined.
This study will assess the extent of the standard architecture that has been used in the design of the building Flats Sarijadi Bandung as perceived reliability of buildings made by the Government of Indonesia.


House flats; Sarijadi Bandung; Reliability Building Flats

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Materi kulliah Pranata Pembangunan Universitas Trisakti ”Undang Undang Bangunan Gedung”.

Standar. Tata Cara Perencanaan Rusuna Modular.

Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia No.4/1988 tentang Rumah Susun.

Undang-undang Nomor 16 /1985 tentang Rumah Susun.

Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum No. 60/PRT/1992 tentang Persyaratan Teknis Pembangunan Rumah Susun.

Undang-Undang repubilk Indonesia No.4/1992 tentang Perumahan dan Permukiman.

Puslitbang Permukiman. 1995-1998. Penelitian dan Pengembangan Dasar Perencanaan Desain Rumah Susun Serta Lingkungannya. Bandung: Puslitbang Permukiman- Balitbang PU- Dep. Pekerjaan Umum.


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