MAKNA IDEOLOGI DAN BENTUK PROPAGANDA MEDIA ( Studi Semiotika Barthes media Eramuslim dan National Israel Terhadap Kasus Mavi Marmara )
bad after Turk decided to given human aid ship to Palestine. The human aid ship under
arrested by Israel before docked. The raid Israel made several crew human aid died. The
moment of the raid Israel known as Mavi Marmara cases. The war of propaganda between
Turk against Israel have been made. One of their purpose is to created good opinion public
for their activity. Eramuslim is one of all media Indonesia which is vocal to against the raid
for mavi marmara. While National Israel is one of the media Israel which is consist to made
news about mavi marmara. Beside the News, there some ideology hiding both of news from
Eramuslim and National Israel. The Ideology become identity for news Eramuslim and
National Israel,
Full Text:
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