General Call for Papers

Our mission is to leverage computer science to provide resources that integrate research, theory, and practice to benefit society, information communities, and university lecturers and their students.

The first and second issues of Teleinformatika will be released soon.

The journal publishes four types of articles:

  • Research Article: An original, empirical contribution that focuses on computing field.
  • Research Review: A brief review of classic or contemporary research findings which have direct implications for computing influnces.
  • Theory Review: A brief review of relevant classic or contemporary theories that have direct applications for the improvement of existing literatures.
  • Cross-Disciplines Update: A means of fostering connections across subdisciplines within computing (intradisciplinary) as well as outside of the computing (interdisciplinary) concerning the scholarship of computing application.

We hope you will consider submitting a manuscript for consideration in Teleinformatika.

Every published article is included in growing its journal indexing databases.

Published articles will be available to a global audience of over the world

Visit the Teleinformatika web site for a description of the journal and instructions to authors.