Humor Dan Satire Kartun Media Massa Sebagai Komunikasi Visual Di Era Disrupsi

Diana Suprayuni, Anik Juwariyah


The era of disruption provides opportunities in the unique style of delivering persuasive messages through
cartoons that illustrate opinions by exaggerating them in mass media cartoons. This study tries to analyze how
the mass media represent current phenomena with cartoon media. This research also wants to show that
cartoons can be one way to observe people's attitudes towards a phenomenon through humor and satire in it.
The method in this research is descriptive qualitative. This research study is grouped into: 1) the target of the
study of the development of cartoons and mass media as one of the mass communication media, 2) the target
of satire and humor studies in mass communication media specifically viewed from the perspective of
cartoons, and 3) the target of the study which is obtained from the public response to cartoons, humor, satire,
and mass communication. The results showed that cartoons in the era of disruption could be used as an
effective alternative to criticism and mobilizing support for a goal. Cartoons are not only intended as humor,
but also powerful tools to drive change. The humor and satire on the card can be said to represent humorous
discursive practices that are close to satire which have become discursive land in the mass media. Assuming
that humor and satire in cartoons are a form of discourse and even education for the community


disruption era, humor and satire, mass media cartoon, visual communication

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