Adzkia Kirana Dipa, Hanny Hafiar, Anwar Sani


Kota Kreatif Program is a program that is followed by selected cities in Indonesia to support the
development of the creative economyThe aim of this study is to acknowledge the correlation between the
message in the Message in the Program Kota Kreatif on instagram @kominfopadangpanjang account with
behavior of followers toward economy creative develpoment. This study used AISAS and correlation method
with descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. The amount of samples was 93 people which was obtained
by simple random sampling technique. The data was obtained by questionnaire, interview, and literature
review. The result of this study was that there was strong correlation between Message in the Program Kota
Kreatif with behavior of followers toward economy creative develpoment. The conclusions of this study was that
there was strong relationship between the campaign message Program Kota Kreatif with attentio aspect, and a
significant relationship between the campaign message Program Kota Kreatif with interest aspects, search
aspect, action aspect and share aspects. Based on these conclusions, the researcher suggests that the target is
young women and college student. with complete information message and improvement on visualization
quality, and message on video format.


Creative Economy, Social Media, Kota Kreatif Program, Change of behaviour AISAS Theory

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