Text Security Using Vigenere Cipher and Hill Cipher

Lekso Budi Handoko, Abdussalam Abdussalam


Data security in the system is a problem that until now has made researchers continue to develop science. cryptography as a data security technique, especially in text data through the implementation of classical cryptography. In this research, a combination of vigenere and hill cipher has been implemented. Both algorithms are algorithms that are easy to implement, but each has its drawbacks. Vigenere is easy to brute force, while hill cipher in the decryption process must use a reversible key so that not all keys are suitable for use. The combination of Vigenere and hill cipher has been implemented and tested using black box testing and the calculation of the Avalanche Effect. Tests using the Avalanche Effect resulted in an average value of 52,46%.


Cryptography; Vigenere Cipher; Hill Cipher; Text


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.36080/bit.v19i1.1790


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