INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS IN MARKETING PUBLIC RELATIONS PERSPECTIVE (Survey on TourismDestinationDevelopmentinThree Colorsof LakeKelimutu, Ende, East Nusa Tenggara Province)



The tourism industry also affects a tourist-destination country in term of cross-cultural
understanding. To support the tourism activity in a tourist destination, it is necessary to have a
good destination marketing strategy. Destination Marketing is a communication process with
potential visitor to influence their tour destination. Destination Marketing possessed major role
in the process of implementation. It does so, by its effort to communication the value, vision and
mission and it competes to promote tourism destination. The potential Indonesian tourism
industry will continue to suffer if the image of Indonesia, as a safe and comfortable country, is
not correctly conveyed with the right strategy. It is time for the government to develop,
communicate and promote tourism destination in other parts of Indonesia, especially in eastern
parts of Indonesia. The research questions of this case study of integrated marketing
communications from the perspective of public relations regarding potential tourist destination
in one of eastern parts of Indonesia: Lake Tiga Warna Kelimutu, the Residence of Ende, the
Province of Nusa Tenggara Timur are: Is there any effect of word of mouth communication on
the attractiveness of tourist destination?, Is there any effect of marketing public relation on the
attractiveness of tourist destination?, Is there any effect of destination marketing management on
the attractiveness of tourist destination? , Is there any effect of Integrated Marketing
Communication (IMC) on the attractiveness of tourist destination?, Is there any effect of
marketing public relations (MPR) on the attractiveness of tourist destination?, Is there any
effect of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) on destination marketing management?, Is
there any effect of tourism infrastructure on the attractiveness of tourist destination?, Is there
any effect of supporting tourism industry on the attractiveness of tourist destination?, Is there
any effect of the attractiveness of tourist destination on customer satisfaction?, and Is there any
effect of customer satisfaction on behavior intention?


imc. Mpr; tourism destination - three colorsof LakeKelimutu

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