Dwelling house in Jalan Rambutan Semarang take the elective principle used materials to achieve Green Building criteria. Material selection process that is applied in residential buildings are not all from the new material, but rather sought to reuse of old materials or former demolition. Where this material can easily be found on collectors and demolished buildings in the vicinity of the site. The purposes of this study were to know (1). The types of building materials that used on the Dwelling house in Jalan Rambutan Semarang in terms of architecture aspect. (2). Whether the building materials that used on Dwelling house in Jalan Rambutan Semarang, related to the environmental safety standards materials or not. (3). The advantages and disadvantages of building materials that used on Dwelling house in Jalan Rambutan Semarang. (4). What were the impact of the use of building materials on Dwelling house in Jalan Rambutan Semarang. The results of An Analysis were (1). Evaluated in terms of architecture aspect, the types of building materials that used in the Dwelling house in Jalan Rambutan Semarang, include: a). As floor coverings, used: Ceramics, Terrace, and Tile. b). For walls, used: Exposure Red Brick, Wood dolken as columns with stuffing, glass, GRC, multiplex, harmonica wire and bamboo. c). For ceiling, used: Dolken wood as a frame motif with stuffing GRC twigs, bamboo, multiplex and harmonica wire. (2). Building materials of Dwelling house in Jalan Rambutan Semarang, the standards of environment safety materials. (3). The advantages and disadvantages of each material were one aspect to be considered in the selection of building materials in the Dwelling house in Jalan Rambutan Semarang.
green building; reuse of old material; material election
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