children. Problems such as sore eyes, nerve damage, change of posture, as well as
fatigue due to due to playing the gadget for too long are the hidden dangers of the use
of the gadgets and the internet. Views that display adult content such as violence, drugs,
pornography, to the LGBT behavior can be seen by the children. The impact of that can
cause mental retardation, early maturing, to violence or undue behavior committed by
children. Based on these phenomena, Mutiara Bunda school conducts a parenting
program about the dangers of the internet and gadgets for children. Parenting program
is an educational program outside the classroom that requires cooperation between the
school and the parents. Parenting programs are based on the fact that children spend
more time at home than in school, therefore parents need to get the educational values
of the parenting program. In this case is related to the use of gadgets and the internet
are unhealthy for children. Parenting program is a good form of cooperation between
the school and parents in producing children who are intelligent and virtuous as the
future generation.
Full Text:
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