Ujang Edi Joko Saputra, Siswanto Siswanto, M. Anif


The function of palm oil tank is to accommodate a clean palm oil before palm oil goes to end. The staff who fill the tank with palm oil should monitor and record every height of the oil collected in the tank. For controlling officers still do its job manually by looking at the height of the oil in the tank with a direct view into the air gauge written on the wall of the tank. And, in recording the statement was recorded manually using daily reports. The control and monitoring of plant operations conventionally has many limitations, especially regarding the quality and efficiency and operating system manually is inefficient and very difficult for the officer in recording the monitoring of the oil loading in the tank. Therefore, necessary selected the right technology and easy operation. This research is made to raise the issue, which is to create a tool for monitoring the systems and control the palm oil tanks which should has a height of 5 meters and a diameter of 2 meter, and height limit of the oil tank lip is 50 cm, which can be monitored and controlled automatically. This automatic recording of application integration will facilitate staff in maintaining the height of the oil palm in the tank at the level of the normal range. This application is made in Visual Basic 6.0 programming language and database Microsoft Access. As well as to the height of the oil tank and for continuous control will in the form of numbers that can be accurately accounted.
Keyword : Monitoring, Recording Charging Tank, Palm Oil, AT Mega 8535, Ultarasonik Seeedstudio SEN136B5B

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.36080/bit.v9i2.505


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