Analisis Wacana Kritis Berita Kasus Korupsi Setya Novanto Di Majalah Online Tempo Edisi November 2017

Amin Aminudin


2017 is a very busy year of political reporting, especially corruption cases, this time the corruption case setya novanto. This case became a news topic discussed by several mass media, not least the coverage of the TEMPO Online magazine published in the November 2017 issue. The purpose of this study was to determine the critical discourse of Setya Novanto's corruption in TEMPO Online Magazine. The method used in this research is qualitative method. The data collection technique was carried out using the documentation technique using Teun Van Dijk's Critical Discourse Analysis theory. The research data is in the form of TEMPO magazine November 2017 edition. The results of this study are reviewed from the macro structure, superstructure, and micro structure used by TEMPO Online magazine reporters in the Setya Novanto corruption news text with the headline "On Benjol as Big as Bapkao", TEMPO Magazine displays more negative side to Setya Novanto. First, based on the macro structure, this discourse reports on Setya Novanto's actions in politics supported by various subtopics and facts. These subtopics and facts also prove and confirm that Setya Novanto is an accomplished politician who often escapes corruption. The two micro structures displayed in the TEMPO magazine were mostly using active sentences. This shows that the magazine brought up an actor or object. The writing characteristics built by TEMPO Magazine are clear, straightforward, and clear in reporting the Drama Gaduh Setya Novanto. Third, the superstructure, If you see the flow or the superstructure of the news writing that is made is how shrewdness of Setya Novanto in avoiding corruption cases that are ensnaring him.


Online Magazine TEMPO, Critical Discourse Analysis, News

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