impacts, as well as the use of mobile phones in public. Today, short message
services, known better as SMS, as a functionof mobile phones has been quite
popular to some people in rural areas in West Java.This paper describes the use
of SMS in mobile phoneinthe process ofinformation seeking for health information
and services for community. This research was conducted through descriptive
approach with in-depth interview, observation and literature study.The results
shows that the development of SMS has become the channelfor information
seeking onhealth information and services. This system is usefull and has
beendevelopedby the government and stakeholders engaged in public health to
providethe information for health services. In general, SMS usage is considered
successful and needs to be expanded by both government and non-governmental
organizations due to several purposes.Firstly, the use of mobile phones has
become part of information seekingin rural communities.Secondly, the use of SMS
in supplying health information and services can provide a faster information
system related to hospital services and patient’s condition. On the top of that, the
dissemination of health information and services through SMS also provides
opportunities for better communication between healthcare providers and patient
in more deepen and intensive way.
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Menjawab, 29 Juli 2015.
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