KOMUNIKASI ORGANISASI TATA KELOLA ANGGARAN DAERAH (Studi Kasus Festival Anggaran III-2017 Pada Pemerintah Kabupaten Batang, Jawa Tengah)
executives, judiciary and legislatures continue to increase, as the State Budget
(APBN) and the Regional Budget (APBD) sped up. One of the causes is the
weakness of transparency of budget management. The regency government of
Batang, Central Java in the era of Yoyok Riyo Sudibyo Regent (2012-2017) seeks
to create local budget transparency by holding Budget Festival (FA) containing
accountability report of APBD and development program of previous year. In
addition to implementing e-Government, auctioning offices and establishing
Public Service Quality Improvement Unit (UPKP2). This study uses qualitative
methods, case studies and triangulation of data with the aim of: 1) Analyzing the
communication policy process and communication policy making process FA 2)
Assessing obstacles in the implementation of FA policy. Result of research:
following the change of leadership, Regent of Batang period 2017-2022, Wihaji
remove in the administration of the governance. However, Wihaji remains
committed to implement transparent, accountable and participatory governance
by strengthening e-Government and Smart City. Pemkab Batang is advised to
continue the transparency program of APBD governance through the Budget
Festival in accordance with the current condition. This gait is important to
maintain a strong social interaction between bureaucrats and people in the digital
age. As well as the identity and characteristics of the region in supporting the
development of identity-based flagship areas to improve the competitiveness (city
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DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.36080/avg.v5i2.621
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